Let me being by saying, I am sorry I did not get this posted last night again. The wifi at our stop in Florenze is rather slow and quite frankly I was really tired once we finally got here.
When we set out for this trip we were looking for an adventure, and on day 2 and day 3 of this trip we certainly got one. Day 2 as those of you who have read the posts from that day know was a long day ended with and marked by a major breakdown of Ben's bike (if you don't know what I am talking about, find and read that post to find out more). So on the morning do day 3 we were in the following position: Ben, my bike, and I were in San Lorenzo Nuovo and Ben's bike was in Bolsena (a town down a big hill about 10 miles away). We were told that the bike would be fixed by 12:00 and that the lady who owned the inn where we were staying would drive us down to Bolsena in the morning and then Mr. Jeep's friend would drive us back to San Lorenzo Nuovo. So Ben and I woke up with time to kill. We took a lazy morning figuring out what our next move would be, getting some cappuccinos and eating some pastries.
So at 11:45 we loaded I to a tiny Fiat Panda, leaving my bike at the restaurant behind a gate, and were driven down to Bolsena. Can you guess where this might be going... Well we got to Bolsena, found the mechanics shop, so goodbye to the nice lady who drove us and picked up Ben's bike. Thinking our ride would be nearby we waited... and waited... and waited and they never showed up. Realizing our predicament we set to trying to find a way back to San Lorenzo Nuovo (I am going to call it SLN from now on, it is a bit too long to write out each time). First, we asked the mechanic (who spoke no English) who told us he could drive us up to SLN and he begrudgingly said he would after 4 for 50 euros. We thought ok, well at least that is a back up, we would miss our train probably and that would be an expensive ride but it is a way to get somewhere. We had about 3 hours to kill until 4 though so we thought maybe we could find another way.
So it is 12:30 in the afternoon and we are walking through an old medieval town looking for a way to SLN (a hard feat when you have a bike you need to be taken there too, and everyone drives tiny little tin cans). Also adding to our difficulty was the time, from about 12:30-4:00 Italy just shuts down, especially in small towns. It is their lunch break and they take it seriously. This meant that a lot of the people we asked couldn't really be bothered to do anything because they were on their break and wanted to get home to eat. So we wondered for a while chatted with some other travelers who were passing through Bolsena (including a nice German couple who after I explained what had happened, in my broken German, so adequately describe our situation as "Nah so... Das is ein Scheiße" italicized for the emphasis they put on the word). We found one nice couple who offered to give us a lift in their Panda, but we would have to leave bike... So that was a no go. Finally, at around 1:30 I had enough walking and saw a little sandwich and salami shop and decided we needed to eat. While I was in ordering the sandwiches I started talking to Mattia (the owner of the shop) about our situation, luckily he spoke a little English. After he understood our predicament, he told us that he was about to have to leave for SLN and as he put it he had a big machine. So we were saved finally. Mattia drove a Kia minivan that easily fit Ben, his bike, and myself. So finally, at around 2:00 we were back in SLN and had two functioning bikes
After a few minutes of recouping and inventorying we got on our bikes and started to bike to Orvieto where the closest train station was and where we were hoping to catch the train to Florenzece. We had decided to go to Florence because there was no public transport that allowed for bikes to get to our originally planned stop so we modified. The ride to Orvieto was fantastic! Nice level grade mostly until the end where it was all downhill and switch backs, with views that were absolutely stunning!
We made it to the train station very quickly, bought our tickets and had time to kill, so we posted up in a Cafe, had a coffee and found a place to stay in Florence. Shortly, thereafter we boarded the train to Florence and finally relaxed. In the end it all worked out and we are pretty much back on track. On day 3 we really saw to good sides and the bad sides of relying on strangers but in the end we are very grateful to the people who helped us out, and sympathized with us. Today we have a couple of shopping errands to run and then a quick 25-30 mile ride to overnight stop in San Miniato. All the best and until next time.